The keeping and transportation of the test tubes and tools for the blood sampling.
The container UKTP allows providing the complete safety of biological materials from influence of external factors, to provide sanitary-and-epidemiologic safety during the indoor transportation of biomaterials and for the long distance.
The product is necessary for any clinic laboratories making the blood sampling and have necessity for the transportation of the blood test tubes in other premises.
- contains a holder for the 40 test tubes and the insert with the partitions for the blood sampling tools;
- at consumer pleasure, container-organizer may be completed with the additional holder for 40 test tubes instead of the insert;
- the airproof cover safely protects the test tubes and medical tools from external influences.
If necessary, it is possible to take the test tube holders out and use the container for the transportation of the medical tools and materials.
Technical data:
Capacity: 80 test-tubes
Dimension - 350x225x270 mm
Weight - 2.0 kG.
UKTP foto-gallery (click on foto to enlarge).